Monday, March 30, 2009

A new beginning for this blog...

To date, there has only been one post on this blog...that was almost a year ago. I haven't really had much to blog about, but it's a new year and I'm going to start anew with this blog.

So this is the start of my new blog: The Life and Times of a Planeswalker...

Ajani Vengeant - Wayne Reynolds

For anyone not familiar with the concept of a Planeswalker, it is pretty much just a person in the Magic: the Gathering Universe that has the ability to travel between an infinite amount of worlds at will. This "gift" is called the Planeswalker's "spark".

Although purely fantasy, I do find the idea of a Planeswalker to be an appropriate metaphor for the way my life is going at the moment. I'm currently a sophmore at the Savannah College of Art and Design, majoring in Animation (minoring in Sound Design), and at times I do feel very much like I'm traveling between an infinite amount of creative worlds. As an artist, I too have my own "spark" that I need to learn to control and focus.

So the basic premise of this blog is going to be a discussion about my various interests and hobbies, mainly focusing on the Magic: the Gathering trading card game. I'm still a fairly new Magic player, say maybe 6 months now since I bought my first booster. Since then, I have become extremely obsessed with getting to know every facet of the game. That is partly why I decided to reinvigorate this blog; to share my Magic experiences with everyone. I also want to be able to document my deck/combo ideas, talk about upcoming sets/spoilers, that kinda stuff.

Some of my other interests include music (I play guitar), art, linguistics, and a lot of other nerdy things, so there are bound to be posts about those things as well.

I can't wait to see how this all goes! I look forward to open discussion with all my fellow magic players out there.

Stay tuned! Feel free to leave comments!

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